
A Charming Day in Chamonix


So as soon as possible we cleared outta there and got ünterwegs. Right away the first village had a ganz schöne Markt. We walked through and found fresh Käse, Obst, and of course Criossant. The location of the Markt was toll! Right ünter den Bergen liegt die Stadt.

Die Kirche ganz alt, aus Stein was ringing out the hour. The beautiful clear blue skies with picturesque white puffy clouds, surrounded by rocky snow capped Alps. Such fresh invigorating air. The polka music spielten from one of the booths. The African carpet sellers and Kleidung hustlers. Cheap jewelry and leather goods, carpet cleaners. All was ganz mellow and were ein Film. So wirklich toll. I loved it.

Also a cute little French Alpine sheepherder selling his cheese in a booth. Dagi saw the Milch tin and got all excited dass er frisch Milch gehabt hatte. Onward we drove after I bought my schöne Puppen set…to an open green grass meadow…surrounded on all sides encircled by The Alps, French Alps. So hoch they dwarf all houses and everything in comparison. Their grandeur and majestic size makes them so unbelievable. Especially when in such Stark contrast to the sea and flach (flat) Spanish Mediterranean climate terrain.

It really shows power of nature to form such beautiful giants. We sat there, humble human beings on the face of this Earth, eating again, and inspired with awe at the view. On all sides. Incredible.

Mount Blanc

I lying there, wishing that I could become a Sheep 🐑. To spend my days grazing, sleeping, in the Alpine sunny terrain, and frishing. It would be so nice. Life could be so simple. Then I moved on to more realistic ideals. To become a Sheepheardess. There are only 50 nowadays in Dland (Germany) Harald informed me. So what would I do? I’d have to probably buy my own sheep 🐑. Then follow them around all spring and summer. Only taking a few pair of clothes and what I could carry. And to be afraid of bugs 🐛? No forget it. No baths? Yucky. What about T.P.? We’ll see.

So maybe I just settle on being lucky enough to sit and enjoy my times visiting the Alpen paradise. That is always worth more than face value. It alone is the invaluable experience that makes these times in life so rewarding, and worth really the struggle just to get these moments of pure pleasure, peace, leisure and outwardly enjoyment.

To be at one with nature is not my goal. Only to be at wholeness with myself. And myself is reflected in nature and the time I spent in nature reflecting. So…there you have it. It was great and really one of the greatest moments of peacefulness, calm and and grace of my trip.

On the other side Dagi trudged through a mound of fresh cow 🐄 pies 🥧. We were setzen right zwischen the cow pies. Nice and gemütlich and that fresh healthy smell. As we hated to, but left the scene…passing more grandeur of French Alps.

We drove along passes and durch tunnels. Saw fields of cows, sheep 🐑, Blümen, and finally Mt. Blanc. The highest mountain in ganz Europa. So höch, even höcher than the Matterhorn. The top also,shrouded immer in clouds ☁️ cuz of condensation and constantly covered with Schnee.

Several glaciers we could see…the levels of snow including the tief (deep) Blau unter layer. Shining through. So toll. A great scene. Some kleine Alpine villages we stopped through along the way. Their little churches aus Stein, mit  Glockenspiel. The higher than life Alpsin background forever dwarfing human life and existence as we know it. The continual reminder of inspiration that can be found by these lucky people who live there every day of their lives. But do they know it?


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