
Wartamal, wir haben ein Morgan Churro Fruhstuck gehabt, mit ganz dicken Schocolade Syrup und cafe. We were continually in a state of lost confusion, walking amongst throngs of tourists in Toldeo. Dagi threw the Stadtplane in the trash after an hour of searching for El Greco House and the Burial of Count Organza – when it turned out to be right where we thought it was all along. Well, even though we didn’t find it to be of any practical use (the map), I retrieved it again.

Toldeo – Cordoba Spain 

That was cool, the Burial painting explanation of the birth canal. Then we drove on to Cordoba, where we arrived much to our Chagrin at a dumpy, lousy, and rudely-managed municipal Kampground. The squeezed us into a place right next to the wash sinks and with neighbors on our tent sheeeting. But a CUTE Hollander guy saved us from our miseries by being friendly and cute, and telling us uber ein Flamenco Mass das spielte diese Abend in der Mosquite- Mosque. He was totally cool and we bailed out of that Kampplatz, without even setting up our tent, on the first bus into town.

The kids were all on their way to open-air disco across from Kamp- Municipal. There were 1,000’s of them between 15-18 all ready to go disco down…totally a trip, like lemmings to the lights. Es war 21:15 und wir haben kein Geld gehabt, Samstag Abend und das Konzert fangt 22:00 an. So Dagi to the rescue von Geld Automat und plotzlich waren wir wieder reich und schone.

Abend in der Cordoba Mosque

We finally haben der Mosque gefunden nachdem 12-mal gefragen…”Ah Pardon, Senor, Senora, Mesquite?” So alle Leute haben gewartet and we got there just in time to que up, walk inside and purchase, yes, tickets! Wir waren voll gestoked as diese Mosque in Cordoba was the killer red and white striped double arches, that we’ve both seen photos of and wanted to visit; but we thought it was in Africa, not Cordoba. It’s in my architechtural address book and it’s mein lieblings Gebaude. Wir waren total aufgerecht!

Das Konzert war auch stark. Killer atmosphere. We had good seating and they burned candles on huge candelabras, red rosesauf der Bohne gedeckt and awesome combo of choir, dann classical orchestra, combined mi Flamenco guitarra and singing. We waved down a taxi afterwards and set up our tent at 2 A.M. after dimming those obnoxious lights above the sink 2 meters from our tent. Our neighbors took dinner then too.

The drive to Cordoba war auch schone, durch den Sierra Morena Mountains, a vast, offen, expanse of olive groves, almond trees, red soil, green trees and the occasional white-washed Hacienda dotting the landscape. Into the center of Cordoba wir haben alle perspectiv gesehen and got to see the industrial zone von all angles as well, due to the good directions in Kamp Fuhrer and all the distracting cute guys on scooters we passed while I was driving.


Summer 1992



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