
London – Kings Road

Walked in the fog through Hyde Park and a royal band was playing across the water. Were shopping at Harrods. Took the tube to Kings Road. I died 1,000 times, I was so excited!

Mod City nostalgia filled the Kings Road. Every shop was exciting and went downstairs. So cool. They were the size of a cubby on top. Then downstairs it opened to huge areas. But I saw many great people and a handful of mods. Tried to speak to a few; chased some punks down the Kings Road; went totally camera wild and crazy!

We had a bite at Chelsea Kitchen- Downstairs the bathroom was by the old club in mod books. Many mods fooling about in couples. The waiter was Way-In, and we needed a lift. Had tea and wine. They stopped serving wine at 3. I died 1,000 times.

Did much Kings Road, up and down it. FLIP too – real thrift stores. Took the London Tube at rush hour.

London Beat Club

At night I was so exhausted. I got two phone calls to go out and didn’t. Wrote phone calls and so with (roomie) Paula then went to sleep and couldn’t stand it, knowing I was in London and not out mucking about. So I got up, got my clothes on, grabbed my maps and “Time Out” book, and went to get Julane. At 12:30 A.M.

After she got ready we took a cab to the Beat Club again – her first time. All it was full. Drinks 25p (pence). And what a night! We had a bit and scoping on all the cute baby face London boys – some cute.

Now I’m on British Airways and heading towards Paris. Hope it’s fun!


21 March, 1984


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