
Today the workers were trying to repair the house so Dagi, Fabi, and Cheri got packed up, dressed, and drove to Radolfzell. There Fabi slept peacefully while we had our “riesen grosse cappucinnos.” Then after a walk through the garden they saw me off at the Bahnhof and I was on my way on a schone trip nach Munchen. I left at 13:08 and arrived around 17:30.

After calling Michael at work, I walked to his pad and went up to the store, then met him at home. We had an excellent Thai spicy shrimp, peppers, peas, rice dish he had prepared the day before even though his cousins from Poland are coming on Friday and he had been cooking in advance the last two nights until 1 A.M.

We had nice talks about my travels recently and his upcoming visitors.

Wednesday, 23 June 1999



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