
When I arrived home singing. “Zip a Dee doo dah,” I was greeted by an irratable Lucille who proceeded to inform me that Frau W. was “here upstairs”. And she had the nerve to tell Lucille jack about not being all unpacked yet.

Tonight was also the night of the Moon Festival and for which Lulu had a bottle of Champagme chilling for the occassion of mooncake sampling over at Ellen’s. She said however that I was more mportant and we opened the bottle to celebrate my getting the job. We were also prematurely toasting to boyfriend’s’ possible employment at Binhai Golf Paradise opening here soon.

The morning was quite hectic with phone calls and faxes from mom trying to get the article through to me. Then the golf course head was attempting to contact boyfriend, who was trying to send in his C.V. by fax, all going back and forth through me as an intermediary party. It was a crazy, exciting fun day!!


Friday, 24 September 1999


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