
Last night on the way (from the train station) to Lucille’s we took a cab, and this time showed him where to go. Dad was sitting in the front once again, and with the map and the drivers’ street index.

This driver was cool, he was Austrian in a red Mercedes – and finally when we got close by the two Preindlegasses and Heitzinger Hauptstrasse, but still couldn’t exactly find it, he turned off the meter, and continued to drive around. He told us to bring the card from the hotel next time (or Gast Haus where he thought we were staying!)

Incidentally, not only were there two Tennis 🎾 Platzes, but also two police stations- unbeknownst to Lucille as well. All those darn taxi drivers and taxi rides were pretty darn funny to us!

Schloß Schönbrunn and Leisurely Sunday in Vienna

Sunday I took mom and dad to Schlöss Schönbrunn. We walked around the gardens and did the Palm Hause. It was a beautiful, peaceful leisurely Sunday in Vienna. We also took the obligatory castle Schloss tour, albeit we couldn’t even hear our own ear phones, nor see past the thickly-accented boisterous German tour guides.

Luckily, we only took the 28 room tour, rather than the 48 rooms. I wouldn’t recommend it at such a busy time. Even the entry was a sloppily organized stampede into wilderness of wanton-ness.

At 15:00 we had arranged to meet Lucille, Trudy (her mother in law) and the three darlings – however she could manage, at the Glorietta, which is right behind where Trudy lives. The girls wanted Eis, and Luise looked so chic in her Fendi glasses and linen jacket, pretty silk scarf covering up the spittle from Leon. Finally, mom and I got an Eis too, and we talked. The girls were happy to be spun around, getting dizzy on the pathway.

We parted ways, then us three wandering tourists took the route into the inner- ring Ringstrasse, and I tried to give them a feel for Wien. We walked through St. Stephen’s Square; saw the street performers; and took a hike around the Baroque buildings enjoying the scenic, leisurely Sunday evening.

I was remembering my time there on Easter, also in the evening- now not alone nor on the verge of war. We window shopped; looked for some places I could not find; walked around the Ringstrasse a bit more; and through the Hofbürg- my favorite entry to Wien Mittle Stadt. And we checked out the Roman Ruins, and the green marble controversially built corner bank building.

Back at Lucille’s

We relaxed after the girls were in bed with their story, and drank a little wine, although dad wanted a beer, and we watched on the news the flooding of places we had been just three days earlier, in southern Germany 🇩🇪. The restaurant where we ate, on Lake Constance for example, was flooded in the dining room; as was the sidewalks in Stein Am Rhein! Luckily our weather was good!!

As we got ready, packing once again, Monday morning came quick, for our departure to Prague. Mom and dad once again bade Lucille farewell, with potential hopes of visiting her in China 🇨🇳. What a great reunion it was, and finally on her ground!

Sunday 23 May, 1999


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