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My Cuba Adventure

My Cuba Adventure
My Cuba Adventure
My Cuba Adventure

My Cuba Adventure

The Cuba Journal is about a trip that I took in 2001 with Arizona Boyfriend to practice our Spanish. (Of course, the Spanish spoked in Cuba was so fast and furious we could hardly understand it!) Still, we got to immerse ourselves in the experiences, music and culture of this fabulously colorful island nation. Being both Communist and Caribbean it is quite different from my experiences in Communist China in 1999 and Eastern Europe in the late 80’s and again in the late 90’s.


At the time we traveled around Cuba, there was little to no infrastructure. Havana, the capital city was very low key, and undeveloped. A highlight for me, was seeing one of Compay Segundo’s last performances live at the Hotel Nacional. Another high point was our visit to Hemingway’s house and spending time at restaurants and bars he frequented.


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