
Arriving back in Munich with mom and dad

When we finally arrived in Munich, I was happy and felt relieved to be back in the good old Munich Bahnhof! I know my way around completely, and know the Streifenkarte (even though we only punched one each!) and the language. Not good enough, however.

Once we got to the Ü-Bahn stop where Michael lives and the pension was for Mom and Dad, I incidentally led us in the wrong direction. (Imagine that.) I had a feeling I could get there, even though I knew it was the wrong way from where Michael had shown me before. It was quite hot by this time and mom had a pull (suitcase) so did I, but dad had theirs and my carry bags. Plus we each had a backpack, partially loaded down with the Czech gifts and my summer wardrobe.

Anyway, I had sense enough to have M and D wait in the shade of a park, while I ventured out to no avail, to the pension. I even passed a couple we had seen on the Ü-Bahn and they offered to drive us in our search as it was so hot!

Beer Gardens in Munich with Mom and Dad

Finally we just walked to Michael’s, as we had his key. We freshened up and dropped off the luggage, then went to his work Söhnges on Brienner Straße. He was busy so recommended us to wait in the Hof Gärten Beer 🍻 Garden.

We each had one, then another beers while it was so hot and the smelly people were sweating, so dad raised his arms to fight back! And we’d had enough of sight seeing and gardens. It was nice finally to relax.

When Michael got off work, we went over to the Paulaner Brau Haus – the same place we had gone with boyfriend during Oktoberfest. This time we sat out in the Summer Beer Garden. It was beautiful, but crowded – the nicest brewery in Munich.

Dad had a specialty meat, and we had other Bavarian delights, as recommended by Michael, to go with our big Munich beers! Later we went back to his flat and transferred the luggage and parents to the pension.

Friday 29 May 1999


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