
Odyssey 3- Beautiful Badlands

Faribault – Fairmont

160 miles

August 1, 1976

We’re doing it! A new month in our new life.

This morning before we left we took a swim at 10:00. It felt good. Today we have a nice campground and have a lot of stuff to do also. There’s a lake where Todd went swimming in. It was too dirty for us.


Fairmont – Mitchel, South Dakota

195 miles

August 2, 1976

When we got to Mitchel we went swimming and then we called Kubik’s. We went to eat and we visited the Corn 🌽 Palace. It’s decorated with corn and grains on the outside. At night we saw it all lite up.


Mitchel – Kennenbec

95 miles

August 3, 1976

Today we stayed at a K.O.A. It was very wind. I helped mom wash the clothes and also played pinball. We went swimming but came back in 5 or 10 minutes. It was cold. Todd gave me a trophy Worlds Greatest Card Player after we played War.


Kennenbec – Badlands

100 miles

August 4, 1976

Today we got to the Beautiful Bad-lands. We went on a fossil walk and a nature hike that was guided and also found fossils, but we can’t keep them. We were going to go on a 6 A.M. nature hike, but last night it poured so we didn’t.


Beautiful Badlands


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