Upper Austria Town Gate

Back to Vöcklabrück

This morning I bought an Alpine Flower Guide for Michael at Hugenduble and we met at his shop to go for lunch at Mövenpick, where I proceeded to shock Michael by ordering a Liebekäse sandwich amidst the endless vegetarian selection.

I was feeling quite sad about ending this free-spirited part of my adventuring year; and sentimental about now five months later after my initial adventurous Anfang, now going about my planned for the next four months lifestyle.

As we parted at the Ü-Bahn station near the Theaterkirche I was shedding sentimental tears for leaving Munich, Germany, my half free lifestyle and the carefree days of travel with Michael…

Luise I knew, was in the hospital with Leon and had requested that I come up that night to have her help me fill out the visa form for China 🇨🇳, as Fritz had waited till the last minute. Well…the next days were also upheaval and stressful…

August 2, 1999

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