
This morning Todd, dad and I went fishing; first in Sedge Creek which lives up to it’s name, and where I lost my bobber, lure, and lead, when I casted it by a log and it got caught and the line broke.  I crossed the creek by logs, but didn’t get it. Then in Yellowstone Lake, but we didn’t catch anything.

August 25, 1976


We went to Norris Geyser Basin and saw a lot of geysers all over, it was steamy. Then we ate at the Steak House and while we were eating it snowed! But it didn’t stay.

August 26, 1976


This morning we got up and it had frosted already. When we got to Bozeman, me and Todd went swimming, it wasn’t that cold. We had the whole pool to ourselves. Then we went to town and I bought a calendar for them, of the sea.

Yellowstone WY – Bozeman MT

135 miles

August 27, 1976


We got in Helena and then went swimming. After that went into town and went shopping, and went to eat at Pizza Hut. While shopping we got gloves to wear to the ice-fields.

Bozeman – Helena

105 miles

August 28, 1976




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